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Acreditari nationale si internationale ale CNCCRCanise inregistrate in Cartea de Origine a CNCCRCartea de Origine Romana COR-CNCCR   Sectiunea COR 1000-4279   Sectiunea COR 4280-5607   Sectiunea COR 5608-8099Ciobanescul de Bucovina o MINCIUNA imensaClubul National de Caini Ciobanesti Romanesti contactConcursuri-Contests   1998      Campionatul Ciobanestilor Romanesti Floreasca-Bucuresti         Afisul primului Campionat National         Catalogul primului Campionat National      Finala Bucuresti 1998         dr J-M-Paschoud presedintele Comisiei de Standarde a Federatiei Chinologice Internationale FCI      Iasi 1998      World Trade Center 1998 Bucuresti   1999      Azuga 1999      Bucuresti Finala 1999 Circ      Bucuresti Floreasca 1999      Iasi 1999   2000      Azuga 2000      Bucuresti 16-12-2000 Circ      Bucuresti World Trade Center 2000      Floreasca 23-04-2000      Sibiu 07-10-2000      World Dog Show Milano 2000   2001      Azuga 2001      Barlad 2001      Bucuresti World Trade Center 2001   2002      Azuga 2002      Barlad 2002      Bucuresti World Trade Center 2002      Craiova 2002      Mangalia 2002   2003      Azuga 2003      Barlad 2003      Brasov 26-03-2003      Bucuresti Olimpia 17-06-2003      Craiova 2003      Targoviste 18-03-2003      World Trade Center 2003   2004      Azuga 22-02-2004      Barlad 07-11-2004      Brasov 2004      Buzau 26-09-2004      Craiova 2004      Iasi 2004      Ploiesti 23-04-2004      ROMEXPO 05-06-2004      Rucar 2004-OMOLOGAREA UCI      Timisoara 2004   2005      Adunarea Generala CNCCR Bucuresti 2005      Alexandria 2005      Barlad 2005      Brasov 19-02-2005      Cluj 2005      Comisani 2005      Craiova 2005      Expo Pastoralis Rucar 2005      Gura Humorului 2005      Iasi 2005      Pitesti 19-03-2005      Ploiesti 2005      Ramnicu Valcea 2005      Targoviste 08-05-2005      TIBCO Bucuresti 2005   2006      Azuga 2006      Barlad 2006      Cluj 19-05-2006      Craiova 2006      Expo Pastoralis Rucar 2006      Finala Campionatului International al CNCCR Brasov 25-02-2006      ROMEXPO 05-06-2006      Suceava Ilisesti 2006      Targoviste 05-11-2006   2007      Craiova 2007      Iasi 2007      Ilisesti 2007      TIBCO 2007   2008      Comisani 2008      Craiova 2008      Expo Pastoralis 2008 Rucar   2009      Codlea 2009      Comisani 2009      Craiova 2009      Expo Pastoralis Rucar 12-09-2009      Ilisesti 2009      TIBCO 2009   2010      Ilisesti 2010      Parada Ciobanestilor Romanesti OTV   2011      Filipestii de Padure 17-09-2011      Ilisesti 2011   2012      Bucuresti prezentare oficiala rase romanesti 2012      Targoviste 20 05 2012Consangvinizarile si rolul lor in chinologie - The consangvinization process in chinology   Consangvinizari corecte la carpatin   Consangvinizari corecte la mioritic   Consangvinizari gresite la carpatin   Consangvinizari gresite la mioriticCONTACTCorespondente chinologice   Adresa Ministerului Agriculturii catre ACHR   COMUNICAT DE PRESA al ASOCIATIEI CHINOLOGICE ROMANE ACHR   Comunicat de presa al AUTORITATII NATIONALE CANINE DIN ROMANIA   mesage from Mr Jean Maurice PASCHOUD president of Standards Committee of FCI   Scrisoare deschisa adresata dnei Anca Giura arbitru international   Scrisoare deschisa adresata dnului Gaspar Viorel   Scrisoarea de refuz din partea FCI a la dosarului trimis de ACHR   Scrisoarea de sprijin a activitatii CNCCR din parte Presedintelui Romaniei dnul Emil Constantinescu   Scrisoarea deschisa a Ministerului Agriculturii   scrisoarea Facultatii de Medicina Veterinara catre FCIDefecte explicitate la carpatin   Defecte de cap la carpatin   Defecte de culoare la carpatin   Defecte de osatura la carpatin   Defecte de prezentare   Defecte de talie la carpatin   Metisi de carpatiniDefecte explicitate la mioritic   Defecte ale cozii la mioritic   Defecte de culoare la mioritic   Defecte de dentitie   Defecte de osatura-mers-etc la mioritic   Defecte de talie la mioritic   Intretinere si prezentare defectuoasa a robei mioriticului   Lipsa parului pe cap si pe labe la miorticDespre rasa CorbDocumente tipizate folosite in CNCCREmisiune Antena 1FCI-dosar de omologare rase romanesti   CV Dr Andrei Tanase FMV Bucuresti   CV dr Ioan Miclaus decan al FMV Bucuresti   dosarul medical al clinicii de chirurgie din FMV Bucuresti   Dosarul medical al clinicii de ginecologie-obstetrica a FMV BucurestiFilatelie caninaForumFotografii pentru explicitarea standardului oficial al rasei ciobanesc romanesc carpatin   Ursu etalonul rasei mioriticGaleria Campionilor   Galeria Campionilor Carpatini      femele      masculi   Galeria Campionilor Mioritici      campioni declarati in alte tari      femele mioritic      masculi mioriticIasmin de RomaniaIstoria prezentarii raselor romanesti in strainatate   1986 Berlin   1993 Chisinau   1994 Belgia -Centenarul Asociatiei Saint Hubert   1995 Euro Dog Show Charleroi Belgia   1995 Ziua Nationala a Romaniei la Bruxelles   1996 raspunsul FCI la dosarul trimis de ACHR   2000 World Dog Show Milano ItaliaLinii de sange la carpatin   linii de sange consangvinizate   linii de sange pe 3 generatii fara consangvinizareLinii de sange la mioritic   linii de amelioratori genetici la mioritic   linii pe 3 generatii fara consangvinizare la mioriticLista arbitrilor si candidatilor de arbitrii CNCCRMASS MEDIA   Arta and Entertainment 15 07 2005   Article from Nine oClock   articol 9AM news 2005   Articol Adevarul   Articol Adevarul martie 2003   Articol Agro Business 2009   articol Atlas Magazin   Articol Banateanul   articol Best Magazin   Articol Curierul Judetean 2001   Articol Curierul National 5 mai 2004   articol despre omologarea ciobanestilor romanesti 05 05 2005   Articol din Ziua si Evenimentul Zilei 1999   Articol Editie Speciala Craiova 2009   articol Evenimentul Zilei 03 12 1998   Articol Evenimentul Zilei 10 01 1999   Articol Evenimentul Zilei 1999   Articol Evenimentul Zilei 2004 omologare   Articol Gardianul 2004   Articol Iasi 26 04 2004   articol Jurnalul National decembrie 2006   Articol Libertatea 04 04 1999   Articol Libertatea 11 04 2005   Articol Libertatea 23 04 2003   articol Lumea Animalelor 1994   Articol Manneken Pis 2003   articol Mihaela Ionita   Articol Monitorul 2010   Articol Presa Online 2007   Articol Presa online Iasi 2007   articol Prieteni fara grai 1   articol Prieteni fara grai 1998   articol Prieteni fara grai 2   Articol publicat in USA   Articol revista Lumea   Articol Romanian VIP USA   Articol Stanley bet 2009   articol Stiinta si Tehnica   articol Terra 2000   articol Tu si Cainele 1999   articol Tu si Cainele 2   Articol ziarul Expres 2005   Articol ziarul Obiectiv Suceava   Articol Ziua   Articol Ziua 1998   Articol ziua 1999   Articol Ziua 1999 - 1   Articol Ziua 2004   Articol Ziua 7 iunie 2004   Articol Ziua Concurs   Catalogul Expozitiei Floreasca 1998   Clubul Iubitorilor de Animale   Comunicat de presa   Comunicat de Presa al Ministerului Agriculturii 2000   Emisiuni OTV   mediafax transhumanta in 2013   Mioriticii in USA   Prezentare carpatini la Antena 1   Prezentare mioritici la Antena 1   REUTERS 1996   Stire Mediafax 2002   Stiri Kappa   Stiri ProTv   The Guardian article 1999Microciparea cainilorMOLDA MAGAZIN   Molda Magazin nr 1   Molda Magazin nr 2Monta_gestatia_fatarea la mioritici ci carpatini   Fatarea   Gestatia   MontaPage en francaise   Championat du Monde FCI Milano 2000   Displasya au mioritic   Filatelie canine   l Ordre de Ministre de Agriculture de Roumanie   Manneken Pis   Message de la president de Committee de FCI   message du Mr Jean Maurice PASCHOUD president de Commision de Standardisation de Races dans le FCI   Ministere Roumain de Nourriture et dAgriculture   OUVREZ LA LETTRE Nr 18085 16 08 2000   Revue Molda Magazin nr 2   Standard de Berger Roumain Mioritic propose a FCI en 1998 par CNCCR et utilise aujourdhuiPage in deutsche   Das filatelische fur mioritic und carpatin hunde   Das World dog Show Milano 2000   Displasya at Mioritic   OFFIZIELLER STANDARD DER RUMANISCHEN HIRTENHUNDE MIORITIC   Order 17176-AD-28_04_1998   PAARUNGS WURFVERTRAG   REGISTRATION UND UCIPage in english   Animal Lovers Club   Contents of ROF   Contents of ROF 1   Contents of ROF 2   english mass media      Article from Nine oClock 1      The Guardian article from 1999      USA mioritics   False pedigrees   first ever mioritic presentation into a world dog show   Judges list for the romanian shepherd dogs breeds   List of the scientific works publicated after 2000 Ioan Miclaus Dean of FMV Bucuresti   Medical file from Ginecology and Obstetric Clinic from Bucharest University   Note of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture 1   Official adress to the Romanian Gouvernament   Official documents   Romanian Shepherd Manifest   Scientific report of the Surgery Department from the Veterinary Medicine University   Stamps with mioritic and carpatin dogs   Wrong in-line breeding egsample for the Mioritic breedPedigree-ul cainelui   Pedigree false gresite incompletePremii chinologiceRegulamentul de Organizare si Functionare al Clubului National de Caini Ciobanesti Romanesti - CNCCRScrisoare Deschisa Consilierul Ministrului AgriculturiiStandardul oficial al rasei ciobanesc romanesc carpatin   Vadim de IstratoiuStandardul oficial al rasei Ciobanesc Romanesc Mioritic

membru din 8 mai 2011

Consangvinizari gresite la mioritic

In intreaga zootehnie se aplica principiile geneticii cu scopul obtinerii de exemplare cat mai bune, mai rezistente la boli, mai frumoase si mai apropiate de standardele raselor in cauza.
In chinologie, teoretic, consangvinizarile ar trebui facute pentru formarea acelor linii de amelioratori genetici si doar in baza a cat mai multor informatii despre fiecare din exemplarele dupa care se face consangvinizarea. De aceea aceste consangvinizari devin foarte importante pentru orice rasa canina si crescatorul si clubul de rasa din care face parte ar trebui sa faca si o urmarire stricta a acestor produsi de consangvinizare.
In cadrul clubului National de Caini Ciobanesti Romanesti CNCCR se discuta cu fiecare crescator in parte atunci cand se solicita ofertele de masculi pentru monta de catre fiecare crescator si se explica caz cu caz ce se poate obtine in fiecare situatie.
Decizia apartine crescatorului care o ia insa perfect informat fiind despre fiecare mascul oferit: genealogie, rezultate la monta, palmares,etc
Din nefericire in cadrul ACHR se fac consangvinizari in mod haotic, se fac consangvinizri repetate, nu se respecta deloc principiile geneticii,etc
Rezultatele negative ale acestor practici gresite se pot vedea cu ochiul liber: scaderea taliei, carectere psihice slabe, capete mici cu boturi ascutite, lipsa parului pe bot si pe labe, lipsa subparului, osatura subtire, depigmentari, etc la ciobanescul romanesc mioritic.
Din nefericire astfel de caini cu asmenea genealogii, cad exclusiv in grija cumparatorilor neavizati in timp ce inconstientii care au realizat asemenea experimente isi iau banii si dispar.
Vom prezenta mai jos cazuri de genealogii de acest gen total gresite si de multe ori false.
Emisune la OTv despre cainii ciobanesti romanesti 2010
Emisune la OTv despre cainii ciobanesti romanesti 2010
Emisune la OTv despre cainii ciobanesti romanesti 2010
[youtube]http:www.youtube.comusertheFlyingCaveman?blend=16&ob=5#pu59KChjBphsLXs [/youtube]
[youtube]http:www.youtube.comusertheFlyingCaveman?blend=16&ob=5#pu63tt7s96StgF8 [/youtube]
[youtube]http:www.youtube.comusertheFlyingCaveman?blend=16&ob=5#pu62uiPvNpxRCMs [/youtube]

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Comentarii album • 22

CanisaDeRomania 10 noiembrie 2015  
Theories of Pathogenesis

Canine hip dysplasia is a complex disease. It is a concentration of factors from a pool of genetic weaknesses and environmental stresses that fall into a programmed pattern of progressive remodeling and degenerative joint disease. The degree of involvement varies from minute changes in bone structure to total destruction of the hip joint. Investigators have searched intensively for genetic, chemical, and metabolic defects, but the cause has remained obscure.

Hip dysplasia affects humans and all other domestic mammals. In humans, 1.3 children in 1000 are affected. In dogs the prevalence may run over 50% in large dogs if control measures have not been practiced. Few data are available on the prevalence of hip dysplasia in other mammals, but it is thought to be low. The disease is undoubtedly rare in undomesticated animals.

No specific genetic pattern of inheritance has been demonstrated in this variable disease. It has been demonstrated that both genetic and environmental influences contribute to development, regardless of the species affected.(15,31, 32,40,74,76) Consequently, the disease has been designated as polygenic or multigenic.(28) As in most polygenic diseases, there are both major and minor causative factors. There is no evidence that a primary defect of bone exists but rather the disease is a failure of the muscles and other soft tissues to hold the hip joint in full congruity.(31,32) This is further supported by the fact that bony dysplasia can be increased, decreased, or prevented by controlling the degree of joint instability and incongruity.(53) No other malformations are associated with the disease.(79) A causal relationship between muscles and soft tissue defects or pathologic changes other than lack of muscle mass or strength has not been established.(40,41)

Experimentally, hip dysplasia may be produced in many ways.(43,56,74,76,87,88) These include any circumstances that contribute to an unstable hip joint, namely, adductor forces, lack of muscle strength, chemical relaxation of the pelvic soft tissues, traumatic injury to the hip joint, and overloading of the joint by weight. Hip dysplasia is a concentration of factors from a pool of genetic weaknesses and environmental stresses that fall into a programmed pattern of progressive remodeling and degenerative joint disease.

The general cause of hip dysplasia, when defined, must be broad enough to explain its development, not only in dogs, but also in all other affected animals. Many genetic and environmental factors can trigger events that bring about the condition secondarily.(74,77,79,88) Hip dysplasia, therefore, is not one disease but many diseases that result in common degenerative lesions of the hip joints.(77)

Hip dysplasia has been observed in cats (27,35) and in most breeds of dogs; however, it is a greater problem in some breeds(65) than in others. The true prevalence of hip dysplasia among breeds of purebred dogs is not known, but data from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) on the first 36,000 pelvic radiographs evaluated has given insight into answering this question (Table 83-1).

The percentage of dogs of various breeds affected by hip dysplasia is not a true representation of the prevalence of the disease in these breeds because radiographs depicting obvious dysplasia were screened by referring veterinarians and not submitted. Therefore, the overall prevalence of hip dysplasia is higher than that represented in the analysis (Table 83-1). The rankings of the breeds are consistent with those obtained previously from smaller populations.(36) All breeds were screened in a similar manner.

Table 83-1 Pelvic Radiographic Diagnosis
Body Size

The breeds with the lowest prevalence of hip dysplasia are near the size of the ancestral dog. The bones are small in diameter and smooth, the feet are small and well arched, and the shape of the head is long and narrow.

The giant breeds with the highest prevalence of hip dysplasia are two to three times larger than the ancestral dog. Their bones are coarse and large in diameter, with prominent protrusions and depressions. The feet are large and splayed, and the head is wide and oversized.

Body Type

In general, the body conformation of the breeds with the lowest prevalence of hip dysplasia is slender and trim. The skin is thin, smooth, and stretched tightly over the underlying tissues. The muscles are prominent, hard, and full-bellied. At dissection in these breeds, the skin and subcutaneous tissues and fascia rarely contain over 1% to 2% fat by weight. The joint ligaments are well developed; the fibers are coarse, closely packed, and relatively free of fat. The well-formed pelvic and thigh muscles are attached to broad, coarse tendons that are attached securely to the bones. These dogs are fleet-footed and well-coordinated in their movements.

Of the high-risk group, the four breeds of the giant type are not only two to three times the size of the ancestral dog, but their body conformation is heavy, round, and stocky. Acromegalic characteristics are present to some extent in all four breeds. Fat is abundant in the subcutaneous and fascial spaces and commonly accounts for 5% to 10% of the weight of the soft tissues of the hindquarters. In comparison with the low-dysplasia group, the muscles are less prominent and less developed. Fat is infiltrated into the tendons and ligaments. The fibers of these two structures are smaller in diameter than those of the low-risk group. The gait of the giant breeds is less graceful and slower than that of the smaller breeds.

Growth Pattern

Breeds with the highest prevalence of hip dysplasia grow and mature more rapidly than those in the low-risk group. Starting at birth, this group gains rapidly. The pups of these breeds are aggressive eaters, both as they nurse and as they take supplemental food. In a study involving 222 German shepherds, 63% of the dogs that weighed more than the mean of this group at 60 days of age were dysplastic at 1 year of age, whereas only 37% of those less than the mean became dysplastic. The same rapid rise in weight in other breeds of the group at high-risk for dysplasia has been observed.(63)

Hip dysplasia has not been reported in the wild undomesticated carnivorous animals, such as wolves and foxes. A study of their pattern of growth found that the pups were slow-growing and late maturing. The young pups were whelped in dens. As newborns, they received their nourishment by nursing during the first few weeks. When more food was required, the mother killed rodents and either brought them to the den or ate the animal where it was killed and then returned to the den where the ingested rodents were regurgitated for the young to eat.(61) Young carnivores were quite mature and 6 to 10 months old before they began to hunt. The amount of food available for the growing members of a litter was limited. This caused the young to mature slowly and remain thin and light for their body size. Such an environment favored the completion of ossification and developmental maturity of the joint before the hips could be subjected to possible injury, incongruity, or subluxation from excessive extrinsic forces (e.g., excessive body weight) (65,69)

Genetic Influences and Heritability

Few genes analyzed thus far directly affect osseous structures.(17) The shape of bones reflects changes by biomechanical stresses.(15)

In the dog no clear-cut pattern of inheritance has been recognized.(23,28,30) This means that many genes are affected, and polygenic traits are subject to environmental modifications. New data have substantiated these findings.(29)

The spread of hip dysplasia centers around the genetic transmission and heritability of a particular body size, type, conformation, movement, growth pattern, and temperament. This conclusion is based on the facts that the prevalence of hip dysplasia is approximately the same in a number of breeds with similar body characteristics and there is no gene flow between these purebred breeds. Since these facts must be respected, biomechanical and environmental factors associated with certain body conformation and size must be considered as causes.(69)

Critical evaluation of the heritability of hip dysplasia has been made in the German shepherd in 244 offspring from 54 full subfamilies. In one report, "heritability was defined as a property not only of the character (trait) but also the population and the environmental circumstances to which individuals are subjected. Heritability, because it represents the proportion of the total phenotypical variance, receives the attributes of a positive number which may range from 0 to 1.0 in magnitude".(29) On this scale and based on evaluations of radiographs from 2 year-old dogs, the heritability was given an average estimate of 0.25. The conclusions were that canine hip dysplasia be termed a moderately heritable diseased.(30)

In a study involving 236 German shepherds, it was demonstrated that the most reliable way to eliminate canine hip dysplasia was through the establishment of "pedigree depth," that is, by the use of ancestral lines of dogs radiographically free of hip dysplasia.(33)

Results of controlled breeding programs in Sweden further indicated that the prevalence of hip dysplasia in the German shepherd was substantially reduced by mating only dogs with radiographically normal hips.(7,50) Similar decreases in prevalence have occurred in another controlled breeding program in a colony of guide dogs (Seeing Eye, Inc. Morristown, NJ).

In another account, with 584 progeny in a closed colony of German shepherds, it was shown that the prevalence of hip dysplasia was noticeably reduced by selectively breeding dogs proved radiographically to have normal hips at 1 year of age or older. In 3-1/2 years the incidence of hip dysplasia was lowered from 39% to less than 17%.(64) The male dogs in this colony had a wide variation in their ability to transmit normal hips to their progeny. For example, only 8.7% of the progeny of one dog with radiographically normal hips at 2 years of age developed hip dysplasia, whereas 37.8% of the pups of another dog with similar radiologic evaluation mated to the same bitches developed hip dysplasia.(20)

Environmental and Man-Made Influences

Embryologically, articular joints are differentiated as units in situ from a mass of skeletal mesenchyme.(90) Development progresses normally in each joint as long as there is full congruity between the parts. The congruity remains as long as the supporting tissues are strong enough to withstand the mechanical or physiological factors that tend to pull them apart.(77)

In humans, intrauterine stress has been cited as contributing to hip dysplasia, particularly if the fetus is positioned with the legs in adduction and extension.

Hip dysplasia in humans is rarely associated with teratology abnormalities. Other hip abnormalities distinctive from dysplasia, however, are frequently associated with such deformities as clubfoot, hyperextension of the knees, spinal deformities, arthrogryposis multiplex, and chondro-osteodystrophy.(22)

In the young child, the position of the legs during infant care is found to be very important to normal hip development.(71,73,75) Abduction and flexion of the legs has a stabilizing effect on the hip joints. The square diaper favors greater abduction of the legs than does the three cornered diaper. The Bantu baby, who is carried with its front side bound to the mother's back with its legs in acute abduction and flexion, seldom has abnormal hip joints.(71,75) In contrast, the Navajo Indian baby, who spends its first years of life strapped to a cradleboard with the legs in abduction and extension, has a high rate of hip joint instability.(70)

Other factors such as femoral anteversion and spastic shortening of the psoas muscle have been shown to favor acetabular dislocation when the leg was extended.(44) These observations indicate that both environmental and hereditary influences are important.(28,42)

In the dog, the hip joints are normal at birth.(43,68) The long bones of the pup are short during prenatal life, and mechanical stresses that bring about dislocation of the femoral heads are minimal. Teratologic abnormalities of the joints are rare in the dog, except for congenitally dislocated elbows and an occasional clubfoot deformity. Congenital malformation of the hips is also rare.

Extrauterine Influences


In 222 German shepherds born consecutively, 100 were dysplastic, and the prevalence of hip dysplasia at 1 year had a direct correlation with their weight at 60 days of age. The heavier dogs, that is, the heaviest males and heaviest females at 60 days of age, had the highest incidence of hip dysplasia at maturity.(63) (See Fig. 83-2.)

These data suggested a number of indirect genetic factors influencing the rate of hip dysplasia. The aggressiveness in nursing may be inherited, as may be the quality and quantity of the supporting tissues around the hip joint. It was concluded that when growth, gain in weight, and nursing aggressiveness exceeded the strength of the supporting tissues, subluxation and hip dysplasia occurred.(63)

The first subluxating stress on the hips occurs when the pup supports itself while nursing, and the hindlegs are in forceful adduction and extension. The heaviest pups were the more aggressive, worked the hardest while nursing, and spent the most time feeding.(63)


Data indicate that here is a positive correlation between the amount of pelvic muscle mass and the prevalence of hip dysplasia. Of three large breeds of dogs, the greyhound is relatively free of hip dysplasia; over half of the German shepherds are affected with hip dysplasia, and nearly all the July foxhounds are dysplastic.(69)

These data further emphasize that hip dysplasia encompasses biologic height, weight, and muscle bracing. The builder, before architecture was a science, learned that when the height of a structure was doubled, the bracing had to be tripled or the structure would fall of its own weight.(82) This basic rule, learned many years ago, illustrates clearly why a low foot stool fits solidly on the floor and the tall stool of the same area wobbles when supporting weight.(82) Similarly, it has been found that dogs less than 30.5 cm in height and less than 11.3 kg in weight (dachshund) are relatively free of hip dysplasia. On the other hand, at least half the large dogs, those 34 kg or more in weight and more than 50.8 cm in height, are affected with dysplasia.(66)


All newborn mammals, including human infants, undergo many metabolic changes during their transition from intrauterine to extrauterine life. The muscle tissues are relatively immature both anatomically and biochemically at birth. Lack of muscular maturation in the newborn influences the manner in which the newborn responds to function. This immaturity accounts for the failure of many mammals, including the human, dog, and cat, to walk at birth.(88)

There is evidence that the wide range of acetabular and femoral changes occurring in hip dysplasia is the consequence of joint laxity. The possibility that this may be associated with or influenced by the rate of muscle maturation has not been explored. The rate of muscle maturation may be an inherited factor.(12,43) Consequently, the degree of subluxation in the young may be influenced by subnormal muscular function. In humans, the possibility of iliopsoas muscle spasm in the infant has been explored. (41,44)

In the adult dog, the light microscope was used to examine histologically the individual pelvic muscles associated with hip joint motion. Evidence of muscle disease was not recognized. In dogs with advanced hip dysplasia and associated osteoarthritis, atrophy of the pelvic muscles was present but changes such as muscular necrosis, inflammation, and extensive fibrosis were not found.(66,69)

One observer suggested that in young dogs with developing dysplasia, the pectineus muscles were in spasm and contained a degenerative lesion.(4) The pectineus muscle (an adductor), when in spasm, was thought to favor forcing the femoral heads out of the acetabula. This observer further suggested that if the pectineus were cut in the dog at an early age, the occurrence of hip dysplasia would be drastically lowered.(4)

A causal relationship between the pectineus muscles and hip dysplasia was not established in an experiment using the pelvic muscles from Labrador retrievers, German shepherds, Alaskan malamutes, and beagles.(40) Pectineus muscles in these dogs with both normal and dysplastic hips were examined and compared. The relationship between pectineus muscle abnormality and hip dysplasia remains undefined. The pectineus muscles from some young pups showed both hypotrophic and hypertrophic changes. It was suggested that the alterations seen in the pectineus muscles of dysplastic dogs probably represented secondary manifestations associated with a disease of developing hip joints (hip dysplasia).(4,12) The available evidence does not support the concept that abnormal pectineus muscle behavior is a cause of hip dysplasia. (39)

Developmental myopathy with type II fiber hypotrophy has been described in the pectineus muscles of very young dysplastic German Shepherds These investigators failed to establish a relationship between this muscle change, joint laxity, and dysplasia but have suggested the possibility of such a relationship. In their experiments using an enzyme stain, the small fibers stained as type I (white) and the large fibers as type II (dark). They considered the differentiation between small and large fibers in young dogs to be a myopathy. No myopathies were present in either the normal or dysplastic adult dogs in their study.(12) This change in the young dog resembles muscle fiber hypotrophy, which follows the cutting of the nerve to a muscle. These hypotrophied muscles become functional again and the fibers become normal in size when the nerve unites and use is restored.(34) Atrophied muscle due to a severed nerve and immature muscle are similar in appearance. (34)

Metabolic Influences


In humans, the female is affected with hip dysplasia four to eight times more often than the male.(22) In the dog an equal number of females and males are affected. The reasons for this difference have not been explained. Of 100 dysplastic German shepherds at the Armens Hund Skula (Sweden), 49 were males and 51 were females.(63)


Pelvic tissue relaxation is a well-known physiological phenomenon that occurs during the terminal phase of pregnancy in mammals. This reaction has been associated with the female hormone, estrogen. Experimentally, this reaction has been studied by injecting ovarian extracts into dogs to produce pelvic tissue relaxation resembling that seen at the termination of pregnancy. The specific polypeptide hormone that is commonly used is called relaxin. Male and spayed and virgin females when "primed" with estrogen before relaxin was administered responded sufficiently to relax pelvic tissues around the hip joints.(43,55)

The urine of newborns was examined to see if there was a correlation between high estrogen levels and the unstable hip. From the first tests, it appeared that such a correlation existed, but the use of more refined tests failed to verify these findings. (1,3,81) The conclusion is that hormonal influence is not associated with the development of congenital hip dysplasia in humans or animals.(1,3,71,81)

In the dog it has been possible to increase the incidence of hip dysplasia by giving relaxin to newborn pups and to produce hip dysplasia in the greyhound. (18,43,51,55) "It does not prove, however, that estrogens have anything to do with etiology and pathogenesis of spontaneously occurring hip dysplasia."(19) There is no evidence that estrogen levels within the biologic range have a relationship to the incidence of hip dysplasia in dogs.(19,52,55,81)

Defective protein biosynthesis of collagen was suggested as a cause for increasing articular cartilage degradation in osteoarthritic joints. Soluble collagen was reported to be found in the acetabular cartilage of dysplastic dogs, while predominantly insoluble collagen was present in dogs with normal hip joints. It was not possible to relate these changes to hip dysplasia or to osteoarthritis.(39,40)

Inborn metabolic errors of chemical or hormonal origin have not been found in human or canine hip dysplasia.(39,40,52,87)


A variety of nutritional and mineral supplements have been used in attempts to alter or prevent the course of hip dysplasia in the dog. Diet has not affected the occurrence or course of the disease other than the mechanical effect of increased or decreased weight upon the hip joint.(66)


In the child the development of hip dysplasia can be stopped and the condition can be reversed to a stable normal hip if it is discovered early before remodeling has begun. The key to treatment is the restoration of full congruity between the femoral head and acetabulum by placing the legs in an abductor-flexed position.(76,88)

In the young dog genetically conditioned to develop hip dysplasia, confinement to a small cage (1 m3) where the dog spends most of his time sitting on his haunches (abductor-flexed position) will prevent the development of hip dysplasia.(66,68) Surgical improvement of joint congruity can also be very beneficial.

Linkul catre documentul intreg cal.vet.upenn.edu/projects/saortho/chapter_83/83mast.htm
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Ciobanestii Romanesti si disputele din jurul lor - Part 2
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Diverse probleme in ameliorare si selectie la Ciobanestii Romanesti 2
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Diverse probleme in ameliorare si selectie la Ciobanestii Romanesti 1
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Un exemplu de cea mai crasa crima la adresa rasei mioritic veti gasi in pedigreeul anexat al Adei de Codrii Vlasiei!
Uitati-va cate consangvinizari repetate se gasesc in el si intrebati-va cat de inconstient a fost crescatorul Curtean = canisa de Codrii Vlasiei dar si crescatorul Carmaci=canisa de Curtea Veche atunci cand au facut aceste monte incalificabile!

Răspunde Raportează
Good day
Analyzing your dog pedigree I have to tell you the next comments:
1. You have the dog named A-Nuc inside of them and that dog was a metis between mioritic and carpatin as you easily can see here:
clubulnationaldecainiciobanestir ... la_miortic
You have to know and that dog it is again the father of Bilca de Curtea Veche and the father of Jana de Curtea Veche. IT IS FORBIDDEN TO MATTING DOGS LIKE A-NUC MOREOVER TO MAKE CONSANGVINZATION AFTER HIM
2. Also Alf de Plai Bucovinean was the litter brother of Aluna de Plai Bucovinean.So you have another consangvinization in this pedigree.
3. Bradut was a mioritic with a huge prognatism and her "very good" = F Bine (that is below Excellent are real).What is very very interesting is that her mother Frunza matted and born him at six years after she died!!! Normal it is a false declaration of the owner mr Bere!
4. Sarona was a small female and her title of CMBR= that means Best of Breed BOB is false!
5.Tissa was never judged as junior but she has an Romanian Prim Junior RPJ title inscribed by fraud in her palmares. Also she was matted 4 rounds one by another despite of all FCI and normal roules and respect for dogs.
More than this her genealogy was never declared and really as you may easily see on:
Ursula de Brillantim _ Fals
clubulnationaldecainiciobanestir ... e/38437264
where the words "Monta nedeclarata" means "matting never registered and declared", and "Caini care nu au fost montati niciodata" means that "dogs never matted"
6.The correct name of Bucksi was Bucksi de Romania.The probe are here
clubulnationaldecainiciobanestir ... te/pagina3
clubulnationaldecainiciobanestir ... te/pagina5
where at "mara mama lui bucksi" you have de original pedigree of the mother of Bucksi whose belongs to me in de Romania Kennel.
The owner,mr Bere Adrian was changed the name of the dogs by using a personal relation at Romanian Book of Origin COR
7.Martin de Runc was registered by false under this name because he was born into "de Suceava"Kennel owned by mr Ovadiuc from Suceava city and bought by the owner of "de Runc" kennel at the age of several months. As you well know the owner of the kennel where the dog was born can registered under his mark no other owners of that dog during his life.Normal the dog name it is Martin de Suceava!
Also you have another consangvinization here because he is the father of Iaro D-Pirat
8. Mother of Iaro D-Pirat was Fraga. But the name of Fraga due to a false registration request from the onwer of her, mr. Pal Puiu (Iaro kennel), was changed into Iaro Fraga. Mr. Pal Puiu recognaized on his personal site, that this dog Fraga and another one, he was bought from mr. Neica Mihai from Bacau.
9.And finally A-mura has a grand father named Cramer de Curtea Veche wich produced half mioritic and half carpatin puppies!
Moreover of that I'll informed all the persons, ACHR, FCI, breeders, owners,etc about this frauds, mistakes, errors,etc but only the members of our club CNCCR are made it the very necessaries corrections
Several conclusions from the facts presented above:
1. You have a false pedigree based on false data
2. You have forbidden consangvinizations in the pedigree
3. You were cheated by the saler persons - owner de Apuseni Kennel because I personally informed him by several times and using different ways about this problems. Mr. Simutiu was even at a contests organized by our club with a very small female of mioritic few years ago !
4. You have to construct your future matting scheme out of all dogs from this pedigree, especially the dogs with huge problems as A-Nuc!
As I informed you before we are working at a datbase with more than eight thousands Romanian dogs mioritic and carpatin as a measure to help you and other like you to find correct data and information, to avoid the falses ,frauds,etc. And all of that only because we respect and love this wonderful breeds!
Please accept my apologizes for this bad news situation presented to you but due to ministry of agriculture order I have the right and obligation to do that
clubulnationaldecainiciobanestir ... _documents
Cezar Osiceanu
President of CNCCR
Răspunde Raportează
Good evening mrs Monika Hindsches
I hope to be well understood in my information letter sent to you.
You have to understand that breeder de Apuseni was cheated you saling that dog with that genealogy,
His scope was to take the money not to protect the breed. Your dog can be a very good one for you but it is like an atomic bomb armed for the breed in case you will not taking into account my information which I already sent to you.
As a fist measure as I told you before you have to chose a male for matting outside of this lines and after the first litter you can see the results,We can help you with our data base and information for free because with really love and respect the breed.
For all what I informing you know,and many others, my dogs were killed, my house was burned by unkown persons,etc even they made a site against me antiosiceanuforumhit.ro
So if you need help you have to contact first the breeder de Apuseni and to ask from him some answers at this questions:
- why he choose to do the dogs with such a genealogy with so many consangvinizations
- why did not informed you before about this in order to chose you by knowing the realities if you buying the puppy or not
- why he choose to make those consangvinizations by some many times repetead after A-Nuc a mixture between mioritic and carpatin.
- why he cheated you ?
We intend to declare in public and in mass media all this cases even in Austria, in order to protect the people with good sense against the posibilities of fraude, mistakes,etc in the pedigrees eliberated even in Austria.
I hope you will joined us in this fight for the mioritic breed benefit.
Cezar Osiceanu
Răspunde Raportează
Sa dam un prim exemplu despre aceste consangvinizari haotice si distructive!
Iata un pedigree al cainelui Guran de Curtea Veche eliberat de catre ACHR conform modei uzitate de ea la cateva luni dupa cumpararea puiului de catre cumparatorul de buna credinta.
Ce putem observa in el?De cate ori se repeta aceste consangvinizari haotice?Cine a aprobat inregistrarea cuibului si efectuarea montei? Crescatorul stia ce face sau incerca sa vada ce iese? S-a facut vreo atentionare la vreuna din desele consangvinizari facute de acelasi crescator din partea chinotehnistului clubului din ACHR?
Dupa ce criterii s-au ales exemplarele dupa care s-au facut consangvinizarile devreme ce masculul A-NUC era un metis de mioritic cu carpatin ?
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Nea Pinochio Curtean hai sa iti traduc un pic cam ce ar trebui sa intelegi tu din genetica asta de care ti-ai batut joc matale din dorinta de a te da mare si de a lua cativa arginti nemeritati prin inselarea cumparatorilor de buna credinta dar fara cunostiinte chinologice!
1/2 tata + 1/2 mama este bagaj genetic ptr un intreg 1 adica un pui neconsangvinizat
Daca prin consangvinizare se dubleaza mesajul unuia din parinti in cadrul aceluiasi intreg 1, un pui consangvinizat, care crezi tu ca va fi procentajul exact de gene de la tata-ptr ca dupa el se face in general consangvinizarea si cat va fi de la mama?
Apoi ia calculeaza tu ptr cazul indicat de dnul Secara cat au procente comune cele 2 femele ?Daca depasesc 50% sau sunt egale cu 50% sunt sau nu surori dpdv genetic dupa tine mai Pinochio Curtean?
Asa ca ia te rog si aduna de cate ori ai mesajul genetic al lui A-Nuc de exemplu si ai sa intelegi exact prin adunare ca la scoala primara,ptr ca pe aia a bunului simt ai facut-o la FF daca ai facut-o!- si vezi ce tampenie ai facut!!
Dnul Secara ti-a explicat ca sa pricepi folosind foarte bine descrierea pomicola a fenomenului ptr ca sa nu mai bati campii chinologiei!
A punctat deasemena excelent faptul ca o rasa ce apartine a doua natiuni DIFERITE=Serbia si Romania NU SE POATE NUMI NATIONALA ptr nici una din ele! Chestie de LOGICA iar ceva strain tie si ingrijitorului de caini si padock-uri Albiter !
Oare de ce tac si va lasa doar pe voi in fata, coautorii acestei crime notorii: Canisele de Curtea Veche, Tender Ebony, de Apuseni, reprezentantii COR ACHR, Poponel Munteanu,etc???
Răspunde Raportează
O incredibil de gresita consangvinizare se poate observa in cazul hello to you tender ebony montat cu iaro iara.
Canisa de Apuseni a facut aceste monte total gresite din cauza necunoasterii si nerespectarii principiilor uzitate in zootehnie si chinologie in materie de consangvinizari.Joy-Crash and Burn Tender Ebony este un caine cu grave defecte ale trenului anterior si posterior si cu toate acestea a obtinut titlul de campion Romania la ACHR.Acest lucru arata evident ca arbitrajele facute acolo sunt gresite si nu respecta nici propriile standarde.
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Recordmena in sens negativ a consangvinizarilor gresite este canisa Curtea Veche dar cea care a prelungit si mai mult aceasta situatie dezastruoasa este canisa Tender Ebony care a continuat seria consangvinizarilor aiuristice dupa acelas caine cu defecte grave dpdv al lipsei parului pe bot si pe labe in special: A-NUC.Un exempl uclar este cazul lui Crash and Burn Tender Ebony - Joy care desi are in linia mamei trei consangvinizari cam dupa aceeasi caini il are ca tata pe Bucur de curtea veche din aceleasi consangvinizari rezultat!
Răspunde Raportează
In primle 3 poze de pagina 2 se vede clar ce inseamna rezultatul consangvinizarii facute in cuibul A-Nuc,Alin si Alma dupa un metis de mioritic si carpatin si de ce este important sa stie genealogiile ciobanestilor romanesti cat mai exact.Iata de ce este o crima reala la adresa acestor rase nationale activitatea de stergere a genealogiilor dusa de catre alte asociatii chinologice.
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"Negru de Bello Gettica" si "samio erik fara par" sunt iar dovezi certe ale rezultatelor consangvinizarilor gresit efectuate de catre aceasta canisa.
Răspunde Raportează
"guran de curtea veche pedigree", "otv","otv 2" si "otv 3" sunt dovezile unei bombe chinologice cu ceas facute de catre crescatorul care a scos astfel de produsi.
Emisiunile se gasesc pe:
Emisune la OTv despre cainii ciobanesti romanesti 2010
Emisune la OTv despre cainii ciobanesti romanesti 2010
Emisune la OTv despre cainii ciobanesti romanesti 2010
[youtube]http:www.youtube.comusertheFlyingCaveman?blend=16&ob=5#pu59KChjBphsLXs [/youtube]
[youtube]http:www.youtube.comusertheFlyingCaveman?blend=16&ob=5#pu63tt7s96StgF8 [/youtube]
[youtube]http:www.youtube.comusertheFlyingCaveman?blend=16&ob=5#pu62uiPvNpxRCMs [/youtube]
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Adi Curtean 28 iulie 2011  
Esti un mare mincinos si invidios pui din cuibul cu acest mascul sunt prezenti in expozitii si nu au probleme. Iar daca nu ai loc de masculul meu te dau in judcata pentru calomnie. Veziti de treba ta si nu mai minti lumea.
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Domnule Curtean
daca ati fi avut macar dorinta de a va informa corect despre procedeele si tehnicile de consangvinizare corecte - citind macar lucrarea prezentata aici la albumul intitulat "Consangvinizarile si rolul lor in chinologie" ati fi putut intelege de ce este gresit realizata consangvinizarea de care pomeniti.Cum singur ati recunoscut ca "nu sunteti de specialitate ca sa va pronuntati" este evident ca mesajul de mai sus este doar o alta aberatie a dvstra.La fel ca si amenintarea cu datul in judecata pentru calomnie!
Mai cititi si apoi scrieti pe acest site!
Cezar Osiceanu
Presedinte CNCCR
Arbitru chinolog international
Crescator inregistrat inca din anul 1990
Proprietar al canisei de Romania
P.S. Am vazut ca ati apelat ca caini din liniile canisei de Romania pentru monta femelei Panda de Rediu.Sa nu uitam ca Martin de Runc- afix incorect acordat pentru ca puiul s-a nascut la dnul Ovadiuc din Suceava si nu la dnul Mustea- este fiul femelei Bistrita de Romania fata etalonului rasei Ursu.
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Canisa de Azuga este celebra prin marele deserviciu facut muncii de repopulare cu mioritici a Vaii Prahovei facute de catre CNCCR si de catre mine personal prin folosirea la monta a acestui mascul exclus de la reproductie, prin incalcarea regulamentelor clubului,etc.In continuare aceasta canisa scoate pui cu astfel de defecte tocmai din cauza consangvinizarilor repetate dupa acest caine.
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Bell Baltag de Bucovina este un caine de talie mare din Brasov care avea acelasi defect ca si A-NUc: lipsa parului pe bot si pe labe. Cu toate aceste lipsuri evidente acest caine a obtinut un palmares ce cuprinde intreaga scala a calificativelor, asa dupa cum fiecare arbitru a avut un interes material sau a aplicat proiectele de standard ale vremii.
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"dr lupu sibiu" arata unde duce consangvinizarea haotica facuta tocmai de catre un medic veterinar, dr. Ilie Lupu din Sibiu, dar care nu avea cunostiinte de chinologie si mai ales de genetica!Acest personaj de trista amintire pentru mioritici a dorit sa inventeze trei rase distincte de mioritic dupa cum sustinea el in mod public si anume mioriticul de talie mare, mijlocie si mica!In activitatea sa "uniforma de concurs' arborata la manifestarile chinologice era doar un prilej de manifestare a ideii de traditie nu si a unor rezultate chinologice si stiintifice din pacate!
Răspunde Raportează
Bucur de Curtea veche este un exemplar ce provine din consangvinizarea masculului A-Nuc - un metis de mioritic cu carpatin.
Prin simpla comparatie a celor doua poze se vede clar cum a transmis la Bucur de Curtea Veche lipsa parului pe cap si pe labe acest caine A-Nuc.
Acest defect se reintalneste si la puii lui Bucur de Curtea Veche multi dintre ei fiind reconsangvinizati tot dupa acest caine A-Nuc lucru total gresit si inacceptabil!
Răspunde Raportează
Alin din Bucuresti 27 octombrie 2012  
Buna ziua,
Tin sa adaug parerea unui amator(adica eu).
Nu am nimic cu domnul Osiceanu, defapt nu am cumparat de la dansul nici un mioritic. Tin doar sa adaug din postura unui amator de mioritici ca are perfecta dreptate. Scopul nu este de a avea cat mai multi mioritici, ci de a avea mioritici de calitate. Exemplarele enumerate mai sus lasa de dorit din multe puncte de vedere. Am participat anul(2012) acesta la expozitia de la Romexpo de mioritici, vreau doar sa adaug ca am vazut cativa caine care erau mioritici si restul care isi doreau sa fie mioritici. Culmea este ca Tender Ebony era foarte apreciat de arbitru si nu numai, sincer adaug, nu as tine acel caine nici daca mi l-ar da cineva gratis. Sincer am ramas suprins pentru aprecierea unor exemplare, pentru care eu din punctul de vedere al unui amator, mentionez ca nu au ceea ce ar trebui sa urmareasca o linie de mioritic, in special o linie de campioni, asa cum se doresc cei care erau la expozitie. Din cauza defectelor enumerate mai sus am vazut mioritici cu un comportament complet deviat. Am vazut mioritici speriati, timorati, coafati si parfumati, am ramas putin socat de ceea ce am vazut(cu exceptia unor exemplare). Eu intelesesem ca in trecut mioriticul parca se lupta cu lupul, ursu si alte animale salbatice. Cu siguranta mentionez ca 85% din exemplarele vizionate la Romexpo 2012, nu erau decat niste javre timorate, unele dintre ele considerate campioni. As dorii sa adaug ca o exceptia mi s-a parut canisa de runc, avand din punctul meu de vedere exemplare de exceptie cu un temperament echilibrat si puternic. Astfel promovarea unor exemplare care au abaterii grave de la standard fac un deserviciu acestei rase. Cunosc multi oameni care nu vor sa auda de acesta ras, tocmai pentru ca au achizitionat sau au vazut exemplare timorate si fricoase in ograda multor oameni. Am incercat sa explic acestor oameni ca exemplarele respective erau doar niste caini mari cu parul lung, dar nu erau 100% mioritici, ci proveneau din tot felul de incrucisari in trecutul indepartat. In speranta ca vom avea in romania exemplare deosebite de mioritici va salut!
Răspunde Raportează
Hip dysplasia – info and advices for the owners by mrs Mirescu simona
Hip and elbow dysplasia are terms that define several different pathophysiological abnormalities of the development of the bones forming the hip and elbow joints.
The word “dysplasia” comes from ancient greek and consists of two words – “dys” which means “wrong, abnormal” and “plassein”, meaning “to form, to create”.
The dysplasia leads to serious health problems with heavy consequences for the patients, owners and breeders.
It is one of the most common orthopedic diseases, and nearly always leads to osteoarthritis and osteoarthrosis.
This degenerative disease of the joints is associated with severe pain, lameness, decreased activity and incapability the joint to function.
Diagnosing the disease is extremely important for the dog owners and breeders.
The affected animals transfer the dysplasia in their offspring, even in heavier degree.
The prognosis for animals which are diagnosed and treated in time is much better than those with advanced form of the disease (with osteoarthrosis ).
Hip and elbow dysplasia are diagnosed correctly only after specific radiological examination in combination with clinical methods (Ortolani test, etc.).
The experts of FCI and WSAVA (World Canine Organization and World Small Animal Veterinary Association) created confirmed methods and protocol for examination and estimation of the degree of dysplasia.
The hip joints are valued by measurement of their anatomic structures and the angles between them. The degrees of hip dysplasia are five:
-"A" – normal joint
-"B"- border form
-"C"- mild form
-"D"- medium form
-"E"-severe form
The elbow joints are examined in a similar way and four degrees of dysplasia exist: 0, 1, 2, 3, as “0” is normal and “3” is severe form.
In most European countries are organizations of veterinary orthopedists and radiologists using these protocols for examination. These organizations of specialists are acknowledged by FCI and other associations (WSAVA, IWEG, FECAVA).
The dog owners who would like their dog to be examined according to this standard method have to ask their vet, who will explain the procedure to them.
The check up is always done under anaesthesia. The owner has to bring with him all the pet’s documents.
The dog has to be microchipped or if it is not, then it is done during the procedure. The owner guarantees the identity of the animal.
The minimal age for issuing an official certificate is 12 months for the most breeds, as for the rest it is15 months.
For dogs, which will weigh more than 15 kg in mature age, a radiograph taken at 6 months of age is highly recommended.
This is done with an aim of early diagnosing and treatment of the disease.
Price of the procedure includes check up, anaesthetic, radiographs, their interpretation and printing of the certificate with the results.
We offer You professional examination and quality diagnostics in the field of the hip and elbow dysplasia, adequate prophylactic programs and modern methods of treatment.
On 05.11. 2009 in Dortmund, Germany Dr. Borislav Geprgiev took an examination and received a diploma as an expert in the canine hip dysplasia (CHP) and became a member of theGRSK (The German association of the Radiologists for hereditary diseases of small animal skeleton). He is the only certificated panelist in Bulgaria.
This organization is a leader in the x-ray searches, diagnostics and therapy of the congenital diseases of small animal skeleton. . It is officially acknowledged by FCI and IEWG. An international certificate confirming the results is issued to every animal tested for such diseases in our clinic.
X-ray picture for hip dysplasia with official certificate – 120 lv.
X-ray picture for hip and elbow dysplasia with official certificate – 180 lv
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